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John Clement, not being knightly.... again.

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Vander Linde on 2013-07-16, 14:12:45 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-07-14, 10:00:02 ---Oh btw, JC was interviewed and did some cutting demonstrations in this recent documentary that is available on Netflicks which is titled: 'Secrets of the Viking Sword'

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JC was not very happy with how that show turned out, talked to him about it actually on another forum. they left a lot out that he wanted in, etc.
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Even still the parts they did leave in was a crucial fact about the sword’s edge not needing to be excessively sharp to effectively cut which JC presented and demonstrated in his typical and very believable aplomb.  :)

--- Quote from: Sir Vander Linde on 2013-07-16, 14:12:45 ---Totally agree as well. There are members of a group I participate in who disagree with my interpretations and teaching, and in fact those members talk to the "students" in the group about me the same way you hear people talking about JC "in the negative fashion" that is. slander is a sport don't ya know  ::) 
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It is a peculiar human trait to often misalign another person’s perspective about you based upon our personal basis of comparison and woefully adopt and project these incorrect perceptions based upon this flawed process.

One of my personal experiences in this regard:
For the first two years I studied with my HEMA group there was an advanced student that I could never get a ‘read’ on. He is a very intense swordsman yet an aloof type of person especially to some of the newer students, which I came to realize were the students he couldn’t quite get a ‘read’ on himself. It was frustrating to deal with the notion that I and some other students was not worthy of this elite student’s consideration nor his coveted training advice. Yet as time went by there developed a measure of understanding of one another or perhaps I just didn’t suck as bad as I when I first started. ;)

Sir Vander Linde:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-07-16, 17:11:52 ---
It is a peculiar human trait to often misalign another person’s perspective about you based upon our personal basis of comparison and woefully adopt and project these incorrect perceptions based upon this flawed process.

One of my personal experiences in this regard:
For the first two years I studied with my HEMA group there was an advanced student that I could never get a ‘read’ on. He is a very intense swordsman yet an aloof type of person especially to some of the newer students, which I came to realize were the students he couldn’t quite get a ‘read’ on himself. It was frustrating to deal with the notion that I and some other students was not worthy of this elite student’s consideration nor his coveted training advice. Yet as time went by there developed a measure of understanding of one another or perhaps I just didn’t suck as bad as I when I first started. ;)

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^very true.


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