Main > The Armoury

Spending time with my little squires

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Joshua Santana:
My thanks to you Sirs.

Concerning the New Coat of Arms, this is an update to my old "Lion Blade" COA.

I chose this one for two reasons, first it is to show that I am training towards Christian Knighthood.

Second, I was inspired as a child to model myself after St. George after reading a children's book on his famous legend.  I can recall how moved I was after reading the story that I felt that I should act like him and that worked very well.  It wasn't until last year that I hit on Edmmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I:  The Legend of the Knight of the Red Crosse, I was once again moved to model myself after this character.  I recently found out that the book I read when I was a child was adapted from the Faerie Queene.  I was excited and thrilled to the point where I did research on St. George himself and I consider him to be an excellent Chivalric Christian Knight.  The idea of the COA bearing St. George came to me while I was designing my Full Kit, I looked up similar COA until I found the one you all noticed.

I figured it would be awesome to bear the image of a Knightly Saint on my shield and I have plans to paint a blood red cross to a buckler.  It would look like this one here.


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