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Lord Dane, what do you mean best look? I think we Teutonic Brudern also come in first place for best Entire Monastic Sovereign State, being the most powerful and running the most successful of the Crusades!

Sir William, join the Order, and help yourself to all the victory and glory you can stomach against the pagan foe!

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-07-05, 17:31:20 ---Lord Dane, what do you mean best look? I think we Teutonic Brudern also come in first place for best Entire Monastic Sovereign State, being the most powerful and running the most successful of the Crusades!

Sir William, join the Order, and help yourself to all the victory and glory you can stomach against the pagan foe!

--- End quote ---

Simply put, The Teutonics had the best signet adorning their surcoats. Hence, I like the look. Their devotion to the Crusader states before the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin, assisting at the battle at Damascus, & holding their ground at the siege of Acre during the Third Crusade (assisting Richard & Philip) is well documented to the Order's credit.  They held out longer than most of the monastic orders.  But your order was just 'war-mongering' in the name of the Crusader cause after the Crusader states fell.  The battles depicted were very viscious where your order fought.  "Season of the the Witch" (starring Nicholas Cage) minus the Hollywood additives in the beginning gives a good account time-wise of the battles engaged in by the Teutonics.


Lord Dane, I believe you have us confused with another order. While I do agree that the Teutonic Order does of course have the best look  ;), the order wasn't founded until the siege of Acre during the 3rd crusade (1190). We weren't even around until after Saladin took Jerusalem, though we did play a large part (along with the Templars and Hospitallers) in maintaining the crusader states throughout the 13th century. 
 Concerning our actions outside of the Holy Land (which I'm assuming is what you mean by "War-mongering") we actually had our theatre of operations changed to the Baltic in 1225, long before the end of the Crusades in the Holy Land. Our Baltic Crusades were legitimately called for and recognized by the papacy, and (in addition to converting the native peoples and bringing Christianity into the region) held a large monastic state comparable to any nation of Europe for a period of several centuries.

Furthermore, I would seriously doubt "Season of the Witch's" take on the Teutonic Order. The examples of battles shown had very little to do with the reality of the Teutonic situation. The Teutonic order operated in little to none of the areas mentioned during the time period, and weren't fighting Muslims at the time  (the vast majority of the battles are depicted in the Middle East and fighting Muslims, while the Teutonic Order was in the Baltic battling pagans)   

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-07-07, 23:22:42 ---Lord Dane, I believe you have us confused with another order. While I do agree that the Teutonic Order does of course have the best look  ;), the order wasn't founded until the siege of Acre during the 3rd crusade (1190). We weren't even around until after Saladin took Jerusalem, though we did play a large part (along with the Templars and Hospitallers) in maintaining the crusader states throughout the 13th century. 
 Concerning our actions outside of the Holy Land (which I'm assuming is what you mean by "War-mongering") we actually had our theatre of operations changed to the Baltic in 1225, long before the end of the Crusades in the Holy Land. Our Baltic Crusades were legitimately called for and recognized by the papacy, and (in addition to converting the native peoples and bringing Christianity into the region) held a large monastic state comparable to any nation of Europe for a period of several centuries.

Furthermore, I would seriously doubt "Season of the Witch's" take on the Teutonic Order. The examples of battles shown had very little to do with the reality of the Teutonic situation. The Teutonic order operated in little to none of the areas mentioned during the time period, and weren't fighting Muslims at the time  (the vast majority of the battles are depicted in the Middle East and fighting Muslims, while the Teutonic Order was in the Baltic battling pagans)   

--- End quote ---

I stand corrected, Sir Nathan. I shall look more into historical references of the Teutonics.  I did not focus on the Baltic states much... but I shall enjoy looking more into this.  Thank you for some insight.  I was under the impression that the 'origins' of the Order started earlier as a group of German Hospitalliers sanctioned by The Holy Roman Emperor & Pope Celestine II in 1143 but not officially ordained by the Papacy as a new Order until the Third Crusade (which hence became "teutonics") in 1190.  Originally a hospice order that was converted to a more military order to serve the Crusader efforts.   

Well there was a German hospital under the control of the Hospitallers in Jerusalem before the fall to Saladin, but the Teutonic Order established at Acre was completely different. If anything, the original hospital can be credited for giving the Germans at Acre the idea.


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