Main > The Great Hall

Hello everyone!

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Sir Justin:
Hail fellow knights and nobles! I am obviously new to the forums and I found the forums in fact by looking for a nice Templar shield (and thank you Sir Edward for the amazing shield, it is in great shape and is well made) and I soon found myself wondering the forums. I am working on getting a Templar suit of armor and slowly but surely, I'll get whole outfit. Some of my other hobbies consist of soccer, some video games, and of course having a fun time in general. I am quite busy for now, but hopefully soon I can find time and get more involved in the forum community. But thank you for your time (and the approval to the forums) and cya guys around the forums.

Have a Great day, and God Bless.

Welcome! I also found the forums while searching for some new gear  ;D

Sir Brian:
Well met and welcome to the forum! I am sure you will find the information you seek (or at the very least a few good leads in your quest for knowledge!)  ;)

Sir Wolf:
huzzah and welcome!  where are you located? what do you need help with your kit? we like to spend your money so beware hahahaha

Welcome aboard Sir Justin!


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