I, myself, had a rather odd relationship happenstance.
Over the weekend I was marshaling for, and chatted with, my ex-fiance's ex-husband who is getting married this year to a lady (whom I have met previously) whom is all-around a better person than our mutual Ex.
Here's the catch: Till we were tagged in a photo together I had no idea who he was. We've since chatted and he thanked me for helping get her off her butt to finalize the 2-year long divorce.
Nice guy really.
Note: I'm in the Blue hood. He is in the COP with no sleeves.
<Reverend hat on>PS: Josh- Regarding that litmus test via a woman; Neither your god nor your parents will have to love, honor, cherish, and live with her, but you will. 2 of your top 3 things don't directly relate to you. Given as how the avatar of your god was a member of my birth religion I can tell you that a good Rabbi would not have told Yeshuvah to use those litmus test options as a method to determine a happy marriage for they lead only to you looking for a copy of yourself and not another, separate & whole, individual with their own belief's, needs, dreams, desires, and opinions who is wonderful & kind enough to take you, and all your eccentricities (and being Asperger's myself I can only imagine they are legion like mine), and love you not despite them, but because of them. Don't look for perfect. Look for a person. A wonderful, wonderful person.
<Reverend hat off>-Thorsteinn