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Would this tunic be period for the 1200s

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Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---My wool chausses were the most comfortable part of my base layer at the Tampa Ren Faire this year.  Wool breathes quite well and wicks moisture.  That's why good quality socks are made from wool and not cotton.  I would amend the comment to say avoid 'heavy' wool in the summer.  But most outer-garments were wool in period, linen is primarily for undergarments.
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Ah now I understand thank you Sir Ian for the clarification.

--- Quote ---ya i have seen black made from iron and vinegar i think and have seen black for clothing in 15thc illustrations, but have constantly read the texts about even black sheep do not give what we today think of as black. its much grayer/dark brown. but as Sir Edward said, the hospitatlers wore black, but how black is black;) ehhehe. paintings of knights are always in the best of colors but can you give me a black surcoated one? or a tunic in black?

oh I agree Sir Ian, I wear wool all the time, I just remember Sir Ulrich saying as the day went on his mail was getting heavier. I was wondering if the heat had some reaction in there as well.
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Yep, I agree, black as we see it today would be different than from the black of that time era. 

Sir William:
It would also depend on how new the garment was...we have the pleasure of colorfast clothing so that it doesn't run when you wash it.  Well, if your garment is colorfast...but back then?  Dyes ran all the time, there was no real way to keep it so what might've started out as a deep, dark, dark brown ended up a light brownish grey after just a few instances of being caught in wet weather for an extended period of time.

Whatever the case may be, I'd go with the linengarb tunic in black- and keep in mind black will take heat more than any other color so if you have issues with heat in general, it may not be the way to go.  But you want black so I think you should have it- eventually you'll to invest in a custom surcoat I think, if only because then you could have it coordinated with your arms.


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