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Author Topic: Things I learned at Fighter Practice today.  (Read 6136 times)


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Things I learned at Fighter Practice today.
« on: 2012-05-07, 01:14:42 »
Things I learned at Fighter Practice today:

a) Do not go left-handed daneaxe if you suck left-handed, especially against another daneaxe. You will eat a world rocking counterblow.

b) Windrose makes anti-semetic helms regarding Jewish noses. That or I need to pad my helm a little better.

c) My spear form defense is getting much better, but my offence is going to kill me.

d) Counts can use greatswords to throw nuketastic face thrusts that stop being screaming fast and devastatingly powerful 4" from your face and land with a rather unpowerful, & quite chivalric, tap.
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Things I learned at Fighter Practice today.
« Reply #1 on: 2012-05-07, 19:51:22 »
Ha!  :)

I especially like (d).
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Things I learned at Fighter Practice today.
« Reply #2 on: 2012-05-08, 11:54:23 »
Interesting foot notes, thank you for sharing Rautt!
Knight of The Lion Blade

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