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Longsword practice, Order of the Marshal

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 23:57:41 ---Yeah, thing is I barely know anyone close by whos willing to do any of this with me. Needless to say none of my friends like to duel, they'd all rather play video games than do ANYTHING physical.

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I'd say something about the youth these days... but I grew up in front of my computer and nintendo, so... I can't. :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 23:57:41 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-04-16, 03:44:43 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 02:34:37 ---Yeah thats one issue for me, I am not into the plate armor era at all actually as the crusades ended by then. There are viking reenacting too but I don't really have an affinity for that day and age. Still seems cool to spar with weapons, would like to try it one day dispite myself knowing almost nothing about sparring apart from some SCA/Markland style sparring with a sword and board.

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Doesn't matter if you know anything or think you know everything about it. Find a couple people, grab some swords and shields, and have at it. There's no "test" for any of this, so have fun with it - longsword, sword and shield, polearm - all fun stuff. :) Find a couple friends, pick your favorite tools to try to kill with (oh, and not die), then, have a blast. If it's not fun, you're doing something wrong.

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Yeah, thing is I barely know anyone close by whos willing to do any of this with me. Needless to say none of my friends like to duel, they'd all rather play video games than do ANYTHING physical.

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You can use the time to acquire and read about it a bit, and as you're still young, you'll be going off to college or possibly just moving out in general, in the next couple years. Always the possibility you'll find others of like mind at that time. And if so, you've already got books & gear, so you're ahead of the curve. Try making a craigslist post to see if anyone is interested. I've got the same problem, nobody "local" so to speak (less than roughly an hour each way - which I already drive for work). I'd bet there is somebody nearby with similar interests, the key is finding out who they are, and how to find out.

Try checking any local youth groups. Or try checking some sports clubs. Maybe look for fencing groups. Ask around at faires, even wicked faire or anything with a half-medieval theme. If nothing else, it'll help break the shyness a bit, and best case, you find a training buddy (or two, or three). Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-04-17, 01:06:33 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 23:57:41 ---Yeah, thing is I barely know anyone close by whos willing to do any of this with me. Needless to say none of my friends like to duel, they'd all rather play video games than do ANYTHING physical.

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I'd say something about the youth these days... but I grew up in front of my computer and nintendo, so... I can't. :)

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Ha, me too. If it was daylight, we were playing football, basketball, tennis, dodgeball, wrestling, riding bikes - night time was console games, then eventually lugging computers across the street to play LAN games, when 56k internet was 'that really fast connection'. Of course, some of the favorites were Shining Force, Diablo I/II, Final Fantasy - fantasy/rpg stuff. :D If I was that age again, I don't know how I'd even begin to tear myself away from things like Assassin's Creed and the other immersive 3D stuff that's so common and in-depth today; half the games I had as a kid, you could beat, start to finish, in a couple hours max, and you couldn't save them anyway. So much easier to walk away from!


Where do you live?

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 23:57:41 ---Yeah, thing is I barely know anyone close by whos willing to do any of this with me. Needless to say none of my friends like to duel, they'd all rather play video games than do ANYTHING physical.

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I don't know if you've noticed, Sir Ulrich, but a lot of us play video games; myself, I'm a console guy so I'm into CoD, AC, GTA and am currently working my way through Skyrim.  Others, like Sirs Edward, Brian, James, I think Nathan and definitely Ian are PC gamers...Mount and Blade is something they've been talking about almost since I've known them, and/or the SW Old Republic MMO.  I grew up on Colecovision first, then the time I was an adult, games had come a long way from the days of Donkey Kong so in essence, we're all like your friends to a certain degree.  The only difference being that, at least for me, video games by themselves just don't cut it.  A great little/big pastime to while away lots of hours but as I've gotten older, I find my desires turning to more physical pursuits.  For starters, I never seriously worked out til I hit my 30s- now its more for health than musculature but the two aren't mutually exclusive.  Fencing has so far proven to be a pretty physical activity- both in my classes and witnessing Sir Edward and Sir Brian put on impromptu duels...the only difference between that and a gym is the fencing is really, really FUN. 

Get acquainted with the material, read it, practice what you can- eventually you'll be going to college and depending on where it is, you may find that there's already an interest group formed for WMA purposes.  You might even make that one of your hidden criteria as far as where to continue your education!  Just a thought.

Ulrich is in NJ, Ivan.


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-04-17, 15:48:09 ---.....
Ulrich is in NJ, Ivan.

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Here ya go! Get into some armour and get some lovely rattan therapy. :D

The Southern Region



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