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Longsword practice, Order of the Marshal

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-04-16, 03:44:43 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 02:34:37 ---Yeah thats one issue for me, I am not into the plate armor era at all actually as the crusades ended by then. There are viking reenacting too but I don't really have an affinity for that day and age. Still seems cool to spar with weapons, would like to try it one day dispite myself knowing almost nothing about sparring apart from some SCA/Markland style sparring with a sword and board.

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Doesn't matter if you know anything or think you know everything about it. Find a couple people, grab some swords and shields, and have at it. There's no "test" for any of this, so have fun with it - longsword, sword and shield, polearm - all fun stuff. :) Find a couple friends, pick your favorite tools to try to kill with (oh, and not die), then, have a blast. If it's not fun, you're doing something wrong.
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This is precisely how nearly every HEMA/WMA group got their start. A couple of like minded folks got together and 'rediscovered' these lost medieval martial arts.  ;)

Sir Edward:
Yep! The best way to do it "right" is to just grab some like-minded people to start a "study group" and have at it... and buy a book that shows the techniques. You guys can work through them from the book, and then try it out on each other.

Even better is if you can go to one or two HEMA/WMA events to let some people point out your rough spots and bad habits, then go back and put some of those corrections into your group of guys. But even if you can't do that, as long as you have a few enthusiastic people, you'll have a great time and learn a lot.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-04-16, 01:54:00 ---Me doing my HEMA thing a few years back:

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Looking good. Were those wooden wasters? I couldn't tell if they were wood or one of the newer synthetics. I was glad to see you guys not ramping it up to full power, since you were wearing light gear. Looks like you guys had some fun. :)

They were Dwarven Forge nylon wasters (which I thought were pretty good but others disagreed).

And I was working at about 25% power and 50% speed though in the vid of me vs Mike I broke his pinky badly in the last move. He did a stupid + him not wearing proper hand protection= bad day.

I liked it as it gave me a different perspective on fighting though what they learned from me was:

1) Don't depend on the bind as Ivan will try not to give it to you.
2) Don't depend on weefle blocks as Ivan may power through them.
3) 'Low percentage shot' does not equal 'will never get thrown at you', like leg shots for example.
4) Get used to getting hit cause I am.

What I learned from them was a whole new perspective that I am very slowly incorporation into my bastard sword from.

Sir Ulrich:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-04-16, 03:44:43 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-04-16, 02:34:37 ---Yeah thats one issue for me, I am not into the plate armor era at all actually as the crusades ended by then. There are viking reenacting too but I don't really have an affinity for that day and age. Still seems cool to spar with weapons, would like to try it one day dispite myself knowing almost nothing about sparring apart from some SCA/Markland style sparring with a sword and board.

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Doesn't matter if you know anything or think you know everything about it. Find a couple people, grab some swords and shields, and have at it. There's no "test" for any of this, so have fun with it - longsword, sword and shield, polearm - all fun stuff. :) Find a couple friends, pick your favorite tools to try to kill with (oh, and not die), then, have a blast. If it's not fun, you're doing something wrong.

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Yeah, thing is I barely know anyone close by whos willing to do any of this with me. Needless to say none of my friends like to duel, they'd all rather play video games than do ANYTHING physical.


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