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Longsword practice, Order of the Marshal

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Ivan, where are the WV guys located? I lean more towards WMA myself, but I've always wanted to give SCA a go.

BTW Ulrich, it's quite possible to learn much by yourself. I learned the very basics by sitting in my room working on footwork and by swinging a sword in the backyard. While nothing truly compares to having regular sparring partners, it sure is something. 

For NathanQ: You are in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Look under 'Region 1'. ( 

For to find out where 'you' might be SCA wise:

Hope that helps!


Joshua Santana:
Now this is interesting, first sword and board fighting, then the "evils" of video games then Local SCA Groups. 

Proud to say I also live in NJ, and in reference to Ivan's map, I would be in the Baron of Carillion.

Concerning video games: I relate to this as well, I used to play them (more action/adventure than rpgs).  I gave that up before going into martial arts and eventually HEMA. I do not regret it at all  :)

--- Quote ---Get acquainted with the material, read it, practice what you can- eventually you'll be going to college and depending on where it is, you may find that there's already an interest group formed for WMA purposes.  You might even make that one of your hidden criteria as far as where to continue your education!  Just a thought.
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That is the plan indeed, that is also how I got my start in my studies in German Longsword and now the Bolognese Swordsmanship tradition (focus on the sidesword itself with the buckler, but will get into sword and rotella shield, polearms and the Spadone).

--- Quote ---Even better is if you can go to one or two HEMA/WMA events to let some people point out your rough spots and bad habits, then go back and put some of those corrections into your group of guys. But even if you can't do that, as long as you have a few enthusiastic people, you'll have a great time and learn a lot.
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That is my intent in going to NHSC, since I have got a good start in Bolognese sidesword, I would love to refine and drill my basics which are always important. As the saying goes "Patient (or persistent) practice of the fundamentals will assure you victory, do not be impatient with the fight."

In regards to the SCA, i will consider giving it a go after college, what is great is that there is Cut and Thrust Fencing (steel weapons and bucklers are allowed!)  Which is more historically accurate than the familiar rattan combat and its Rapier Fencing (which prohibits percussive cuts).  Type in Cut and Thrust fencing on youtube and you will find some good stuff there.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-04-19, 03:19:49 ---Ivan, where are the WV guys located? I lean more towards WMA myself, but I've always wanted to give SCA a go.

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure if it's still active/popular, but there is/was weekend practice on Martinsburg, WV. That's the town near my house, but about 10-15 minutes closer. I've considered going up there to check it out once I've got my 'to do list' back down to reasonable and have the time to go check it out without feeling that I'm getting into more things when I'm already close to 100% capacity. Let me know if you check it out!


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