Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Photography and portraits
Sir James A:
There's a watercolors conversion that I used a tried a while back on some car pictures here: http://10steps.sg/photoshop/transform-photo-into-watercolor-painting/
Seems like a lot of my favorites aren't centered around the person / people in them, but around the entire atmosphere. One of my favorites:
The photoshopped blade reflection is fantastic. In contrast to most other ones, I like how the background is blurred and subdued.
I also really like this one for the not-the-usual perspective:
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-03-31, 19:14:43 ---https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/338860_211487495572731_111994695522012_549131_7574859_o.jpg
The photoshopped blade reflection is fantastic. In contrast to most other ones, I like how the background is blurred and subdued.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, I really like what they did with the reflection on the blade in that one. It's a really nice idea, and dresses up the photo quite a lot.
Here's my attempts at being phototgenic. :)
Some more. Basically I'm hoping they're good enough to photoshop into something nice by someone who knows how to photoshop *Hint Hint* 8)
And the last bunch. I promise.
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