Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Photography and portraits

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-08-14, 17:21:42 ---Well done Sir Edward! Your retouched photo is much better than the original! :)

--- End quote ---

I hope you don't mind me picking on one of your photos. It was just a really good example since it came out so grey. :)

Technically both steps can be done in Curves, but Levels makes it more obvious what you're doing on the ends of the histogram.

Just realize curves is generally only available in real photoshop (i.e. the creative suite versions, not elements) most consumer level photo editing software just has levels, but you can accomplish the same things in a more roundabout way. I tend to use Photoshop Lightroom for all my retouching, and reserve Photoshop for heavy manipulation.

Lord Dane:
Nice picture, Sir Brian & nice touch-up, Sir Edward. :)


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