Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Photography and portraits

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Sir Wolf:

me in the middle. awesome effect the guy had

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-04-01, 00:52:08 ---https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/526270_3253055758570_1032321511_33061081_766468004_n.jpg

me in the middle. awesome effect the guy had

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I saw that on facebook, along with the unedited copy. He did some interesting stuff with the contrast to really make the faces pop, and to enhance the texture of everything else.

Sir Brian:
The only thing I would have to say that is wrong with the picture is those grunts are entirely too clean! - They need to go without a shower for a week or two in their BDUs then take the picture! ;)

Sir Wolf:
everyone always says the clean bit. that was taken after a day in the woods. you can see carsons torn pants my torn elbow and zacks torn shoulder(thank you modern razor wire still left up by the modern military) . wool uniforms are so easy to keep clean it isnt even funny. once they get soiled you literally wait till they dry and brush off the dirt. my pants are originals and still look that good hehehe.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---everyone always says the clean bit. that was taken after a day in the woods.
--- End quote ---

Exactly! A day is not a week or two. ;)
Basically if the BDUs can't stand up on their own due to the accumulated dirt, grime and body salts then they are too clean.  ;)
I remember sections of my BDUs actually turning white from being saturated with so much of my body salt after a couple weeks in the field. It was even more prevalent with those old OD fatigues.


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