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Author Topic: Life. (be prepared for reading)  (Read 66653 times)


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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #15 on: 2012-04-01, 04:55:50 »
I found my GF's IRL facebook and she's been online recently on it. I am debating on confronting her by messaging her there and asking her why she hasnt been online in a whole month. It's really eating at me though, I feel like if I confront her she's gonna get mad at me for "stalking her".

Who cares if she gets mad, in my opinion shes in no position to be mad, she didnt log onto anything to chat with you when she would so i would confront her, but thats just how i am i guess

Sir Brian

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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #16 on: 2012-04-01, 10:24:57 »
I found my GF's IRL facebook and she's been online recently on it. I am debating on confronting her by messaging her there and asking her why she hasnt been online in a whole month. It's really eating at me though, I feel like if I confront her she's gonna get mad at me for "stalking her".

Who cares if she gets mad, in my opinion shes in no position to be mad, she didnt log onto anything to chat with you when she would so i would confront her, but thats just how i am i guess

Pardon me for injecting my thoughts on this but this exchange between you both reveals a troubling mentality that is inherent with younger generations. I am no expert in the area of love, as far as men are concerned there really are none!  ;)
However I get the strong perception that both of you gentlemen seem to be under the false impression that your respective ladies "owe" you something. A relationship of true love is a give and take in equal portions. Giving freely what the other wants and needs and taking as it comes what you desire and need from the other. It is when there is a disparity of this give and take that conflict occurs in which one feels taken for granted, slighted or not given what they perceive as their just due. Yet if you could read the other's mind you might be surprised that they have been feeling the same over something you were responsible for but was oblivious to and so withheld what you wanted or needed. - Ah and I am not referring to just sex (that is a result of a more severe symptom of discontent).  ;)

Understand Leganoth and Sir Ulrich that until you have won a lady's heart completely you are not owed anything from them. When you have won a lady's heart completely you are then only entitled to have first and for the most part exclusive rights to keep wooing her. A lady's love for you is not an endless supply but a source that you replenish by the love, tenderness, respect, attention, generosity and devotion you provide. You don't curse and demand water from a well in the middle of a desert after a long drought.  ;)
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #17 on: 2012-04-01, 18:39:54 »
Well said!
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #18 on: 2012-04-01, 18:49:29 »
huzzah Sir Brian and all that mushy stuff heheheheh


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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #19 on: 2012-04-02, 01:12:58 »
Very well put Sir Brian.

Seriously, the strongest material that you can build a relationship on is trust. Trust her, don't demand reasons for not going on to Facebook (C'mon guys, it's freaking FACEBOOK!!!) or not messaging and drooling over you every minute of the day. In a relationship, you are entitled to nothing. NOTHING. Give of your Honor, Love, Respect, Chivalry, and Trust to her, and ask for nothing in return. If she truly has feeling for or loves you then she will freely, and without asking give all of those back many times over.     

Guys, seriously remember, it's damn Facebook. Confrontations based around something as silly as time logged on a website are just mean, petty and paranoid.   
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #20 on: 2012-04-02, 07:37:28 »
I'm taking you guys didn't read what I said, she hasn't logged in since February and it's already April. I think confronting her over not signing in or even bothering to sign and actually talk to me is perfectly reasonable. I don't intend on being mean to her but I will let her know I am dissatisfied with this lack of contact. Sometimes people need to be nudged in the right direction honestly, it's what encourages people to change rather than just sit back and wait for her never to sign on again after accepting my valentines gift and talk about how she said she cared about me ect. Something is seriously fishy about it to me honestly.

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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #21 on: 2012-04-02, 08:02:28 »
But Ulrich she HAS already spoken volumes by not having any contact with you. - ala the silence treatment perhaps? Seeing that she is back online has she made any contact with you? Sent any kind of message or make any kind of post? - If not that is an answer within itself and I will reiterate she does not owe you anything therefore you are not entitled to any answers as to why she has not contacted you. IF she truly cared she would have made some kind of attempt to contact you or flood you with information and explanations why she was out of contact as soon as contact was reestablished. If that didn't occur and it seems that is the case then she perhaps didn't know how or want to deal with a confrontation with you OR something has occurred in her life which has changed her priorities and she does not want to involve you, in any case that is HER choice which you should respect.

I personally would be a bit cool and aloof towards her and wait to see if she initiates contact with you. If she doesn't then you know she no longer cares, never really cared or is fickle to ninth degree in which case you can move on with a clear conscience and be thankful you don't have to waste any more time and effort upon her.

However a word of caution: If she does contact you and plays it off that you are in the wrong for not trying harder to contact her or spent your time bemoaning the loss of contact with her then you need to dump her ASAP as she is a master manipulator which is the type that can destroy some men.
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #22 on: 2012-04-02, 14:23:19 »

There's also something I've seen referred to as a "rubber band effect". If someone pulls away from you, imagine a rubber band connecting you. If you chase after her, the band stays slack, and she may continue to stay away. Stand firm, calmly, and the rubber band may tighten and bring her back.

If she doesn't come back, then let go. :)

Sometimes the desperate chasing of someone, or forcing a confrontation with them, is precisely what's keeping them away. Women can smell desperation on you, and they don't like it. By getting yourself all worked up, it gives her all of the power. If instead you can be cool, collected, and confident, (perhaps even aloof, depending), it will be a lot more attractive to them.

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #23 on: 2012-04-02, 14:32:37 »
Stayed in a hospital for 2 weeks for depression and anger.

Somehow I missed this part the first time I read it.

Depression is definitely a serious thing, one I'm well acquainted with. It will color everything, and change your perception of reality, without you being aware that it's doing so. One thing I really want to suggest is to not automatically go with your gut reaction to things, which much of the time will involve anger or sadness, or some other form of high anxiety. It'll take time to learn to think differently, but in the meantime it's best to think things through with your head, and try to be objective and see things from other people's points of view.

Depression has a way of making you selfish, inadvertently. It takes a lot of effort to see yourself through other people's eyes.

And what you often won't realize, is that a lot of the problems you see as being external (what the world is doing to you, how girls treat you, etc), often are actually coming from you. (I'm saying "you" in the general sense, as in "people with depression"). People treat you the way you expect to be treated, not how you want to be treated. If you show hints of anger and pain, even subtle ones, it will influence the way people treat you. On the other hand, if you smile and show a happy disposition all the time, people will respond to that as well.

In a way, pretending to be happy and not bothered by things is a great way to start (that whole "cool and aloof" thing). People will treat you better when you're presenting yourself more nicely to them. Over time, it'll become real.

« Last Edit: 2012-04-02, 14:35:36 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir James A

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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #24 on: 2012-04-02, 17:50:15 »
Very well said, Sir Brian and Sir Edward.

I found my GF's IRL facebook and she's been online recently on it. I am debating on confronting her by messaging her there and asking her why she hasnt been online in a whole month. It's really eating at me though, I feel like if I confront her she's gonna get mad at me for "stalking her".

Who cares if she gets mad, in my opinion shes in no position to be mad, she didnt log onto anything to chat with you when she would so i would confront her, but thats just how i am i guess

As I previously posted:

If she is constantly choosing another to turn to for support and attention over you, that is her choice, and reflects upon her character; not yours. You can't force her to change, and you shouldn't try. Simply move on, and find someone better suited to a good relationship.
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #25 on: 2012-04-02, 20:49:47 »
Stayed in a hospital for 2 weeks for depression and anger.

Somehow I missed this part the first time I read it.

Depression is definitely a serious thing, one I'm well acquainted with. It will color everything, and change your perception of reality, without you being aware that it's doing so. One thing I really want to suggest is to not automatically go with your gut reaction to things, which much of the time will involve anger or sadness, or some other form of high anxiety. It'll take time to learn to think differently, but in the meantime it's best to think things through with your head, and try to be objective and see things from other people's points of view.

Depression has a way of making you selfish, inadvertently. It takes a lot of effort to see yourself through other people's eyes.

And what you often won't realize, is that a lot of the problems you see as being external (what the world is doing to you, how girls treat you, etc), often are actually coming from you. (I'm saying "you" in the general sense, as in "people with depression"). People treat you the way you expect to be treated, not how you want to be treated. If you show hints of anger and pain, even subtle ones, it will influence the way people treat you. On the other hand, if you smile and show a happy disposition all the time, people will respond to that as well.

In a way, pretending to be happy and not bothered by things is a great way to start (that whole "cool and aloof" thing). People will treat you better when you're presenting yourself more nicely to them. Over time, it'll become real.

Yeah thats true i guess but its hard to pretend to feel somthing when your feeling the total opposite

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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #26 on: 2012-04-02, 22:35:56 »
Yeah thats true i guess but its hard to pretend to feel somthing when your feeling the total opposite

Oh boy, don't I know it. Fighting depression is one of the hardest battles of your life, but it's worth it if you can come out the other side relatively unscathed. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #27 on: 2012-04-02, 22:45:15 »
Yeah thats true i guess but its hard to pretend to feel somthing when your feeling the total opposite

Oh boy, don't I know it. Fighting depression is one of the hardest battles of your life, but it's worth it if you can come out the other side relatively unscathed. :)

Whatre the chances of that though haha, you could get out of it and seem fine but deep down you cant be somtimes

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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #28 on: 2012-04-03, 00:00:39 »

Don't despair, it can be cured (mostly). I'm living proof. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Life. (be prepared for reading)
« Reply #29 on: 2012-04-03, 00:33:53 »
and when did you get over your depression and what was it for? (if i may ask)