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The Wallace Collection - European Arms and Armour Complete Digital Catalogue

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--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-03-20, 12:54:33 ---Huzzah, I got it. The bank had flagged my card as suspicious since it's my first overseas transaction. Ordered and on it's way!

Ian, I know what you mean. It was a hard pill to swallow. I sold a couple things to offset the cost, since the thumb drive was the huge draw for me. I thought it would just be a folder full of pictures, but having all the info on the piece, the museum "stock number", having it searchable, and all the photos of the item grouped together ... truly fantastic. It's almost like the "Effigies and Brasses" site, but on hyper-steroids.

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Yeah, I thought it would just be a bunch of hi-res jpgs.  Had I known what it really was, I probably would have re-thought that plan! :)  That's one hell of a product they put together, it's really cool!

Sir Wolf:
dang awesome. i have the old 3 book version

Sir William:
How much is this book?

Sir Edward:

I decided to go ahead and order the whole thing, with the digital files. A bit pricey, but I think it'll be worth having in the collection.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-03-21, 15:03:53 ---How much is this book?

--- End quote ---

Just the book is 30 euros. The book w/software/digital photos is 199 euros. Far from cheap, but I've never seen anything like it.

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-03-21, 15:33:48 ---I decided to go ahead and order the whole thing, with the digital files. A bit pricey, but I think it'll be worth having in the collection.

--- End quote ---

Huzzah! The price is definitely hard to swallow, but looking at some of the other books that are out of print that I'd love to get my hands on and can't, I figured I'd bite the bullet and get this one before it's gone and I kick myself for not ordering one.


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