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The Wallace Collection - European Arms and Armour Complete Digital Catalogue

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Sir James A:
The Wallace Collection - European Arms and Armour Complete Digital Catalogue

If anyone hasn't seen this yet, Wade Allen posted a couple screenshots (full credit to him):

And this one caught my eye ... I call it the "Full Metal Joust" sallet:

The book / usb drive is so *very* drool-worthy! I tried to order a copy, and it said declined twice, yet, I received two emails saying thanks for my order. Hopefully I've only ordered one, or can figure out how to. :o

I have the book only version.  It's quite nice and very extensive.  The thumb drive bit is pretty darn cool though.  I just couldn't justify the extra cost for myself.

Sir James A:
Huzzah, I got it. The bank had flagged my card as suspicious since it's my first overseas transaction. Ordered and on it's way!

Ian, I know what you mean. It was a hard pill to swallow. I sold a couple things to offset the cost, since the thumb drive was the huge draw for me. I thought it would just be a folder full of pictures, but having all the info on the piece, the museum "stock number", having it searchable, and all the photos of the item grouped together ... truly fantastic. It's almost like the "Effigies and Brasses" site, but on hyper-steroids.

Sir Edward:

Wow, that looks fantastic. I'm tempted.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-03-20, 13:14:52 ---Wow, that looks fantastic. I'm tempted.

--- End quote ---

I can either post and say "Limited edition .. limited quantity .. cheaper than Albions .. professional high-res digital photos .. heirloom quality .. only one of it's kind .. Wade Allen and Robert Macpherson think it's great", or I can say "You can have a look at my copy when it gets here, but then you'll have to wait weeks it to arrive from overseas". It's up to you. ;)

I also got Toby Capwell to sign my copy. :D


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