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Author Topic: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  (Read 47313 times)

Sir William

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: 2012-02-14, 15:43:05 »
Is anyone playing this besides me?  The sheer scope of the game is...well, its huge, in a word.  The world, on a flat map, is roughly the same size as Oblivion but if you factor in the number of mountains, hills, dales and such that make navigation a good deal more difficult and it is at least twice the size it was in Oblivion.  The models, colors and textures are all what you'd expect at this stage of development in games, the writing/scripting and voice acting are superb (the cast includes Christopher Plummer, Max von Sydow, Joan Allen, Lynda Carter, Vladimir Kulich and Michael Hogan), but there are a few faults, some minor, some major.

One major fault that I've run into is that the game tends to freeze, for no real reason.  I've gotten into the habit of saving regularly just in case it occurs.  Since I started playing a couple of weeks ago, it has frozen at least four or five times; once after I'd gone a couple of hours just gallivanting thru the country side but no autosaves occurred as I'd not transitioned between indoor and outdoor environments (the game will usually autosave when moving between the two)...that was a bummer, but it provided an opportunity to try a different approach.  Still sucked having lost all that work though.

That's my one major beef...this game is not as intuitive as the previous one, if only because the world is so large, sometimes it can be hard to figure out where to go next.  I do like interacting with the different townsfolk between Holds...the dialog isn't cookie cutter- that is, what one merchant says in, say, Whiterun, won't be exactly the same as what another would say in Riverwood, beyond the usual merchant stuff regarding wares.  They've managed to craft a world that would feel like a living, breathing thing, if it weren't for the blasted freezing!

Still...I've managed to learn two Words of Power (thu'um they are called) and I've just recently collected my first Dragon Soul (the power you'll need in order to be able to utter a specific Word of Power).  I can tell you this, a Level 15 Warrior with an upgraded WoP can take down a good number of enemy combatants singlehandedly.  Dragons are of course a good bit harder.
« Last Edit: 2012-02-14, 15:55:56 by Sir William »
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #1 on: 2012-02-14, 16:21:36 »

I've been hearing a lot of good things about it. I'm tempted to look into it.

I used to play a lot of single-player RPGs, but then I took an arrow to the knee. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir James A

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #2 on: 2012-02-14, 19:27:14 »
I used to play a lot of single-player RPGs, but then I took an arrow to the knee. :)

Beat me to it. :D

My brother plays it - as far as I know, has beaten it. He had the previous one, too. Seems to like them. If you get stuck on anything, I can ask him what to do.
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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #3 on: 2012-02-14, 21:18:49 »
ive played all of them since the third one, theyre all great but skyrim when it first came out was very glitchy and buggy, one of my quest lines was bugged and now i cannot finish it on my main character (so now i cant do the thieves guild anymore) but i beat everything and found almost every location in the game, i think im high 60s right now, the max lvl is 83. I havent been playing it though cause theres nothing left for me to do but ill start playing again once the next expansion comes out, (not going to be soon they said)


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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #4 on: 2012-02-15, 00:28:03 »
Haven't had any issues with Skyrim, been playing on PC since release.  HD pack installed, and I tweaked the .ini's for better quality, and it runs smooth as glass.  Depending on your video card, if you have an nvidia card, geforce.com has some good guides for tweaks in Skyrim.

I much prefer Skyrim to Oblivion.  I like the location a lot better, the storyline, the animations, everything... I like to take breaks from the main story line and kind of get lost in side quests for a while and then come back to the main story.  It's a great world to lose yourself in.  Dragon Age 2 was a huge disappointment to me, so I had a lot of hopes set on Skyrim and so far it hasn't disappointed.
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #5 on: 2012-02-15, 15:17:19 »
I'm enjoying the side quests myself...in Oblivion I think I completed a good majority of the side quests before I finished the main quest.  I liked having that big momentous occasion that needed to be addressed at the end.

Ian, you said you were disappointed in Dragon Age 2...what about it did you not like?  I haven't played it; but I did enjoy DA and DAO, even tho the combat was pretty simplistic.  What I would love, ideally, is for an Assassin's Creed moveset and abilities in Skyrim (or similar game)...just having that many options available was pretty awesome.  I still have yet to crack Revelations.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #6 on: 2012-02-16, 00:37:33 »
Ian, you said you were disappointed in Dragon Age 2...what about it did you not like?  I haven't played it; but I did enjoy DA and DAO, even tho the combat was pretty simplistic.  What I would love, ideally, is for an Assassin's Creed moveset and abilities in Skyrim (or similar game)...just having that many options available was pretty awesome.  I still have yet to crack Revelations.

I enjoyed Dragon Age a lot, but Dragon Age 2 for me really crossed over from RPG to Action RPG.  When I say that I mean it got too 'console-ish'.  I'm a die-hard Computer RPG fan.  BioWare has always been my favorite too, back to the days of Baldur's Gate 1 / 2, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights... etc... Dragon Age was definitely similar to those in my opinion, but Dragon Age 2 felt like it was designed for Xbox with the 14 year old ADD console player in mind and ported to the PC.  That's why I loved The Witcher 2 so much.  The story in the Witcher 2 is top notch, waaayyy better and more mature than Dragon Age 2, and hearkened back to the PC RPG's of old. 

Dragon Age 2 is also big on those over-sized anime style weapons, and I'm not a huge Japanese rpg fan, (with the exception of the old school Final Fantasy games on NES and SNES), so I didn't like that style aspect to it.

For that isometric view CRPG though, Witcher 2 is stellar.  For first person RPG, Skyrim is in my opinion the creme de la creme.  The world is so immersive in Skyrim.  It's one of those games where I find myself stopping to just stare and admire the view of the landscape for a while.
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Sir Edward

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #7 on: 2012-02-16, 14:35:08 »

Dang it, you guys are making me want to get Skyrim. :)

It's on Steam, right?
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #8 on: 2012-02-16, 15:50:35 »
Yes sir, it is on Steam.  So last night, I was supposed to be on my way to pick up the horn of Jurgen Windcaller (mild spoiler alert) - of course, this is after you've learned your first few Words of Power.  By default, you end up learning Unrelenting Force and I forget the name of the other, but it allows you to move across a short distance REALLY fast.  I was blasting all over the place with that (after it recharges of course lol) and ended up finding a dwarven ruin...all these gears and cogs and stuff, almost like the Dwarves had discovered how to harness steam power in clockwork-style creations, much like in Dragon Age with the golems.  The 'defensive spheres' roll about like like the droideka battlebots in SW: Phantom Menace.  Pretty damn cool if you ask me.

Ian, thanks for the headsup...I don't mind so much the oversized weapons in video games, makes'm easier to see, but I do understand where you're coming from.  The First Templar was like that for me (dumbed down for ADD kids)...while I haven't done PC games since Age of Empires: AoK I definitely recall how fresh the experience seems when compared to consoles, but consoles offer a huge selection of games that do not require hardware updates in order to run...since money is always tighter than I'd like it, I opted for consoles some years back because I feel you get more bang for your buck.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #9 on: 2012-02-17, 00:04:27 »

42% downloaded, but can't play til next week. Doh!
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #10 on: 2012-02-17, 13:11:57 »

42% downloaded, but can't play til next week. Doh!

Well, I got as far as entering the first little town last night. But that's all I get to do til next week. Nice start though. The environments are beautiful. I didn't get to toy with it too much, but I didn't see in the UI how you cast spells? Hitting things with my sword, I have that covered.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #11 on: 2012-02-17, 15:00:35 »
Are you on PC as well, Sir Edward?  If so, I am not sure how that works...in the console version, you can hotlink your favorite spells to a Favorite category (along with any favorite weapons and armor and potions you might've put into this category) - you can cast spells with either hand.  If you're to be the spellsword type, then the right trigger will do the swordwork and the left trigger will cast the spells...or you could go no weapons and both hands will cast.

Why can you not play til next week, though?  That's almost like getting a new piece of harness and being told you can't wear it for a week!  It'd drive me nuts.  lol
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #12 on: 2012-02-17, 16:18:19 »

Yeah, I saw the option to mark things as "favorite", but I didn't know how that would apply to specific keys or mouse buttons.

I'm heading off to a convention today. Giving R2 a nice chance to get out and see his adoring fans. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #13 on: 2012-02-17, 19:12:31 »
R2?  What con you goin to?

I'm thinking you could hotkey certain elements, a la AoE's ability to hotkey troops; as for UI, maybe the other mouse button if you're using the left one for sword work?
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.â€

Sir James A

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Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« Reply #14 on: 2012-02-17, 19:20:04 »
I'm heading off to a convention today. Giving R2 a nice chance to get out and see his adoring fans. :)

Sounds like time to install a PC in R2 so you can play on the go. ;)
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent