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Leg Shots. A Question.

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This video by some ARMA guys kind of addresses this along with cuts to hands or another weapon. Some folks hate ARMA and write them off, mostly because they're of very strong opinion, but say what you will, many of them are excellent swordsmen, and few schools incorporate the athleticism and intent of sword fighting like ARMA does (an aspect missing from a lot of other schools imho) which I think is important when considering things like being able to consistently void a leg shot with a good displacing cut.

Sir Brian:
Great clip! Thanks for posting it Ian! It does a great job of the proper mentality to approach dueling with the longsword.  :)

Nice video. ARMA is very knowlegeble, and I respect them, but I disagree with some of their methodology. The worst example was the video of  a guy getting a rapier to the valuables.

They do have pretty great videos though  :)

Also I find that attacking low brings a peron's blade away from defending their head. Also it's good for followup, if I want to keep my opponet on the defence when my initial attack has been spent or defended against.

Sir Wolf:
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-01, 02:06:01 ---Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

--- End quote ---

I find your lack of faith... disturbing...  ;) /forcechoke


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