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Leg Shots. A Question.

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Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---For the record, I have a huge beef with the way that Clements decides to interact with the WMA community, and what he requires from his students. Still, opinions aside, I did take a class with him before, and he is a very enthusiastic, thorough, and skilled teacher. If it weren't for the huge difference in philosophy between us, I would have considered going further with ARMA because I enjoyed him that much as a teacher.
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I sympathize with with Sir James, for there is a ARMA Study Group 15 minutes away from my place.  I would love to train with these guys if not for the fact that the membership is exculsive and appears elitist from the "cult of Clements" mentality.  I thank Heaven for training with SIGMA!

--- Quote ---Paul isn't going to go throwing people around in the SCA like he would in judo. Gemini won't be using kung fu falcon punches in SCA. Skill at other martial arts is a good way to "balance" someone and broaden a skill set, but when you're in a game where the rule sets dictate what you can and cannot do, and the things you cannot do are things you are skilled at, it changes things. It's not an "anything goes, winner is who lives" battle; that would change things considerably.
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--- Quote ---That is *not* to discount each person's individual skill sets. It's what skills are relevant to the competition, and which aren't. It boils down to the question of : If someone has dedicated their whole life and training to only *one* "game" (WMA, SCA, Judo, Karate, Ninjitsu - whatever) - how does someone who is highly skilled at a different game defeat the person with the laser-focus on their one and only game? It's like near the end of A Knights Tale, when Adhemar asks "How would you beat him?" (in reference to William) and the reply is "With a stick. While he slept. But on a horse, with a lance? That man is unbeatable."
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--- Quote ---But really, the only fair way to go about this would be to create a realistic combat sitution which incorporates the most relevant parts of each system.
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I agree, different situations would require different fighting skills.  However certain skills can transcribe over to different scenarios depending on what the opponent throws at you.  Best example of this is wrestling at the sword and durchlaufen ("running through") which utilizes wrestling at close range.  However different fighters will fight differently either by their specialized skill(s) or by rules of competition.   

A good system that incorporates lots of each but all of none?...

I got it!

They could compete in the Lauren Tournament!



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