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Leg Shots. A Question.

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*Uses Battlefront 2 glitch. Force chokes and sith lightnings at the same time*

 8) 8) 8)

Sir Edward:

Great video clip. Some of their guys are definitely capable and knowledgeable. I just don't like ARMA when they're getting into the whole "cult of Clements" mindset, and everything that goes with that. It's a shame they don't interact with the larger WMA/HEMA community anymore. Isolationism isn't that helpful.

They don't talk to anyone now?  :o
Geez, I knew there were tensions, but I didn't know groups were pulling this crap already. Ugggg.... :P

Can we all agree to stop pulling Longsword Jihad and actually get ourselves out there first?

Sir Edward:
Some of the ARMA members are still on various forums, like myArmoury and SFI, but often their contributions to conversations fall into the drinking-the-kool-aid "cult" category, and everyone gets pretty short tempered over that. It's all so counter-productive. It's a shame, since they do have members who could contribute positively.

I don't think they've made an actual appearance at a non-ARMA event in quite a few years.

I want to see John Clements duel Paul of Belatrix, Gemini de Grendel, Marc de Arundel, or Radnor of Guildemar just once HEMA style at full speed & at least 1/2 power.... and I want to film it.

Duke Paul has a greatsword shot to the leg that rolls into a block for the opponents return that he gets to work against Duke Radnor. See what JC says then no?


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