Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Sir Edward:

BTW, we ended up on Sanctum of the Exalted. It's a RP-PvE server, and doesn't have as much crowding issues right now as some of the others.

Did you stick with Jedi Knight Guardian?  I'm looking at Jedi Consular, not sure which spec yet though, leaning towards Shadow.

Sir Edward:

I decided to go Consular Shadow. I watched some videos and read up on various specs. I think the guardian would have been a lot of fun, but I decided I wanted more ranged force attacks and general utility. So I'm going Shadow with a Balance spec. Up to level 15 now (played quite a bit on Friday and Saturday).

One of these evenings I wouldn't mind running the Esseles mission again. We'll need a good team for that. :)

Character name is Torval.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-12-18, 13:43:13 ---
I decided to go Consular Shadow. I watched some videos and read up on various specs. I think the guardian would have been a lot of fun, but I decided I wanted more ranged force attacks and general utility. So I'm going Shadow with a Balance spec. Up to level 15 now (played quite a bit on Friday and Saturday).

One of these evenings I wouldn't mind running the Esseles mission again. We'll need a good team for that. :)

Character name is Torval.

--- End quote ---

Oh yeah, forgot to elaborate. The Consulars are pretty cool. I don't know how far ahead you've looked at the skill sets and the like, but the Sage has a healing spec and the Shadow has a Tank spec, and the both have two other DPS specs.

I was thinking of going Balance in either one (the shared talent tree), since it's a DPS/utility tree that builds on the Consular's core abilities.

I wasn't sure that the stealth would be useful since I wasn't sure what your companion character would do, but apparently they get stealthed too, so it's a non-issue. So I'm liking that.

But anyway, choose carefully since it's a permanent choice as to which advanced class to take. All of the classes are supposed to be pretty equivalent in terms of DPS and overall capability, which was good to hear.

So far I know one of my friends is playing a smuggler. Not sure what his brother chose. We're going to try to meet up and do Esseles sometime soon. I ran it once yesterday and it's a pretty decent mission.

I loaded and patched the client all day yesterday, I think the total was somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 GB which puts WoW to shame!  The Jedi Consular seemed a little more complex than the knight, and I was drawn to it.  No re-spec option eh... hmm, wonder if they'll patch that in when the community cries about it.  I've never played a healer before (my background in WoW is an 85 worgen rogue, played a rogue from vanilla, and also had a pally alt), but the Sage has piqued my interest as well.  I really want to start playing!  In D&D I always leaned towards the hybrid fighter/wiz type builds because I loved the idea of being a proficient swordsman that could augment his martial abilities with arcane abilities and knowledge, and that's kind of how I look at the Consular.


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