Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Did you get the digital deluxe edition or standard and did you preorder through Origin or somewhere else?
Sir Edward:
I pre-ordered on Wednesday through Origin, and downloaded the client while I was at work. :) I didn't get into the early access until Friday afternoon, as a result.
I played a night elf Druid mostly in WoW, starting in vanilla, as a cat-form DPSer. I race-changed him to Worgen as soon as that became available. I like the stealthy "get in, kill things quickly, get out" sort of tactics, and the hybrid caster/fighter classes as well, which is why that worked better for me than going as a straight rogue or mage or something in WoW.
I doubt they'll add respecs for choosing the advanced classes, since that's really the class you're going with, and they just let you get through 10 levels before choosing. But they have WoW-like respecs for the talent trees as you'd expect. No idea how much they cost though.
My impression is that the Knights (both guardians and sentinels) are pretty melee-focused classes, with a little bit of close-range single-target force abilities (and saber-throws as well). But the Consulars are definitely more force heavy. The Sage strikes me as being the true mage class, since it's full of ranged AOE attacks and the like, longer ranged force abilities, plus it has the healer spec, though it still has some melee capability. The Shadow strikes me as more of a hybrid class, with close/medium range force powers, more melee abilities than the Sage, and of course stealth. BTW, you get your first double-bladed saber for free when you pick it.
Preordered on origin, ran an errand and had my early access waiting when I came back. Created a Jedi Consular on Sanctum of the Exalted, Level 5 right now. Character's name is Trin'thalas.
Well, I'm waiting in queue right now since today was release day and I guess our server filled up rapidly... anyway, is it weird that I giggled with glee like a little girl when I got my first lightsaber and used my first jedi mind trick?
By the way, I went with a sage, and healed Esseles yesterday, I'm questing through Coruscant right now. What's your character's name so I can find you?
Sir Edward:
Awesome, yeah I grinned quite a lot when that first lightsaber went together as well. I'm a Shadow, so we're doing the same storyline. I shouted out "YES!" when I finally got my ship too (level 16, at the end of Coruscant).
Character name is Torval.
I'll try to get some time online tonight. I'm just starting Taris, which is the world you go to next after Coruscant. I really need to hit some questing etc pretty hard. What little cash I had is gone, since I started grinding up my crafting professions to get them caught up, and overshot the mark... And made some bad choices with regards to the trade network and the like, since the economy isn't well established and I'm getting used to the differences from WoW. Still, it's all pennies compared to the money we earn later. :)
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