Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Star Wars: The Old Republic
I got the email notification of the free toon xfer. Still feel overall like EA forced BW's hand and made them release an unfinished product with respect to endgame. The leveling experience was awesome, but there's only so much huttball one can take at max level. Ill keep my char around for a major content release or xpac. Been playing too much Diablo 3 lately anyway :).
I don't like instanced capitals. I loved the hustle and bustle of Ironforge and later Stormwind in WoW because there were always so many people. And 20+ per planet just sounds so desolate still. I'll admit it, I was hoping for WoW caliber, in the Star Wars universe with Bioware's storytelling. Unfortunately EA sucks.
Sir Edward:
Yeah, I had a blast til I hit endgame. I did the PVP thing for a while, and then moved on to other things. D3 is where I am these days as well, though I'll be putting more time back into Tribes:Ascend again soon, I'm sure... and I'm looking forward to the Planetside 2 beta.
I did my character transfer, and unfortunately someone took my character name over there already. That stinks, I thought mine was simple and yet completely unique. So now I have to think of something else.
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2011-12-14, 00:39:23 ---So, those in the first wave of pre-orders are playing now as the servers went live today. Was wondering if anyone here will be playing, then maybe we can pick servers etc. together if anyone wants to go that route. Just thought I would gauge interest! ;D
--- End quote ---
I love this game but same thing..if I ordered it, I would never get off my laptop at home.
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