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Back of Head protection
Sir Brian:
At MASHS we were discussing additional back of the head protection for our fencing masks. I found this website today and will probably order one since it adapts to industry standard masks. Has anyone else tried these? :-\
Sir Edward:
I've seen something similar. It looks like it'll be useful. It's a lot cheaper than ordering a Terry Tindill helmet. :)
Sir Brian:
Yeah but Terry's helmets are so worth the extra money! :)'s the year long waiting list that's a deal breaker for me! :(
Awfully little you get for $50. hat's your results with the Pakistani helms and perf plate?
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-11-08, 00:19:10 ---Awfully little you get for $50. hat's your results with the Pakistani helms and perf plate?
--- End quote ---
Well it is suppose to be hardened leather and is approximately the same amount of leather as what I paid for a cuir bouilli gorget at the same cost. I am a little confused by your question though, do you have a link to some Pakistani helms or perf plate that you referred to? ???
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