Main > The Armoury

Got my chausses and 13th century underwear package

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Sir William:
Yea, the white bits are supposed to show, Ulrich...lets folks know you're wearing smallclothes.  LOL

Sir Ulrich:
I attached them using this crappy spool of made in India leather cord I bought a LONG time ago for crafts, so it works I think, only problem is it doesn't like staying tied all the time at least in a typical shoe lace knot. Oh well, to solve that I'm just gonna get a knee length gambeson and cut the cords on my braies to suit my waist length because the cords are ridiculously long and hang down to my knees if I don't tuck them in, not gonna cut them totally but they can use a trim. Wearing a tunic under my already tight gambeson would be a bit of a stretch, obviously I'm getting bigger and may soon need to buy a new one, not like I really like the one I already have as it's cotton and quite hot in the summer to wear. The funniest part was after I made my order the 13th century braies ended up going out of stock, I bought the last pair apparently.
Now I gotta figure out where to make my next purchase, could always go for turn shoes but I really DON'T like the soft feeling of medieval boots, the GDFB ones are good enough for me and probably more durable than them and feel more modern in the soles along with hobnails that make them less slippery than other stuff.

Sir Matthew:
Be carefull with hobnails, sometimes they make the shoes more slippery. They were meant to grip the ground, like cleats, and to help preserve the leather on the bottom of the shoes or boots. My Broghans have heal plates and they are very slick on wet pavement or sidewalks and on tile floors like in stores. I'm actually planning to get a second pair without heal plates to avoid this issue. I like my heal plates for when the ground is wet or slippery so I'm keeping them on my current pair.

Sir James A:
Although it's not period, if you do want to dye the braies, you can pick up some RIT dye at Walmart/etc for about $4, but I agree with the others to leave it white, as it's period. With the hauberk on too, I'm sure the white bit is hidden even more.

I think it's hard to see in the pic because the wall you're standing in front of is so light, but I think I can vaguely make out part of it. There's only so long I'm willing to stare at another man's crotch area online. :D

Sir William:
Get a codpiece if swinging in the wind makes you a shade uncomfortable, Ulrich.  ;)


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