Main > The Armoury

Well, I got my chainmail chaps

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Sir Matthew:
That Amazon add definitely does state that it covers both thighs, thus it would be two pieces. I would complain profusely about this and if they are not willing to send a second one, I would return it and post a negative reveiw warning other potential buyers that it is only one. The Medieval Collectibles boots you reference are periodish for a number of time frames, but they are not authentic. It might help if you gave us an idea of the time frame you are working on. I would second the GDFB suggestion, at the price point they sell at they are the most accurate shoes you will find, they are pretty good for any price in fact. I've seen many more expensive shoes that were less authentic. I understand your budget concerns, but I would definitely save up and buy fewer quality pieces than alot of cheaper pieces of armor. In the long run, you will spend less, have a better quality armor and a better looking kit overall. I know it will take time and requires disipline and patience, but it is the better route to go. I certainly learned that lesson, fortuanately before I began to buy alot of armor, swords on the other hand... well I have a lot of very cheap wasters to test my quality blades on when I get them  ;)

Sir Wolf:

best place online to get period shoes

I second Sir Matt. Save your time and money. That doesn't mean wait until you can buy all your armour from Historic Enterprises (as nice as it may be) but only buy from dealers with a good reputation. And ask around. It's very likely someone here would have had dealings with them, or possess something similar to the product you are looking to buy and give you advice and such.
It'll be worth it in the end. Trust me, I'm 16, and also have NO dependable income.

Good luck! (And get that other Bloody leg!  :o)

Sir William:
I would speak to the seller who actually sent it to you through Amazon, here's his link:

Amazon doesn't have any real control over its user end storefronts, I think you should contact the seller directly, that way you can get the issue resolved in a more timely fashion.  In looking through his feedback, he has only a very small number in proportion to the positive feedback, and the negative comments generally deal with the quality of a piece, or shipping time but nothing underhanded.

Sir Edward:
I agree with what others have said. I'd complain. It's always possible they made a mistake and only packed one when they should have included two, and will ship the other when you complain. If it was intentional, then it's false advertising, and they should take it back and give you a refund.

--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2011-08-10, 05:59:31 ---Also, on topic of my chain legs, would these boots be good to wear with them?

--- End quote ---

Those look like the typical minnetonka boots that a lot of retailers carry. They're cheap, so they can be a great starter set for folks. But they're not a medieval design. And they have their limitations. The sole is a thin piece of leather, and you'll feel every single rock you step on. They're also not the least bit water-resistant, and soak right through if you walk on wet ground. I used mine for a couple of years before investing in better footwear.

These days I use boots from Sandlar and Son of Sandlar. They're not period correct either, but they're well made and water-proof, and look medievalish. However, they're a lot more expensive, so it might be above your budget.

(With my mail leggings, I wear the "James' Boots", and the rest of the time I use the "Low Buckle Boots")

I haven't tried them yet, but the ankle-boots from GDFB that Kult of Athena sells look good. ( They have a decent period look. And the ones I bought from Revival Clothing that were almost identical were very comfortable, though the soles fell off after only a few days of use, so I can't recommend the Revival version.

Just keep in mind that most period shoes/boots have much thinner soles than you're used to with modern footwear, and you will feel the rocks and twigs a lot more. Bu the Minnatonkas are probably the most tiresome on your feet.


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