Main > The Armoury

Well, I got my chainmail chaps

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Bought some chainmail chaps on amazon, the picture had 2 leggings and my package i opened and it was 1 leg, dissapointing because thats like false advertising. whatever though. 90$ a leg is okay i guess  *dissapointed*

Sir Ulrich:
Thats why I don't order from Amazon, I order from experienced armorers like Icefalcon, or decent outfitters such as Kult of Athena. Sure it may cost a bit more but in the end the quality is better and probably will last longer. I assume you ordered butted maille, that stuff falls apart easily, they sold riveted chausses at Icefalcon for around 300 bucks, and it comes in a pair...

yeah but thats waaaaay too much for me im barely 17 and dont have a job, i have to go the cheaper way to get my stuff but i try to get good for the price. And yes its butted

Sir Wolf:
have your parent of guardian complain to the company or to amazon itself. copy and paste the false advertising of the 2 legs. 90 for both sounds better than just one. do you have a link on amazon to see it?

Sir Edward:

Yes, I'd like to see the link too. If they really did imply that it's two legs, I'd complain.

Otherwise, $90/leg ($180 total) isn't a terrible price actually, if it's at all well made. I know it's a lot on a teenager's budget though. :)


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