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Maille arrived

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Hhhm...That's rather odd. I have rather sensitive skin. (a single plant of poison ivy can turn me into a human lobster experiment) and my GDFB hauberk is perfectly fine to handle.

Sir Ulrich:
It has more to do with the oil thats on the maille and my hands get mucky from it. So I usually hand it with gloves on. I would assume that the smaller maille catches more due to more rivets involved. It may be because you got the 50% non riveted links along with wedge rivets which I think catch less.

Sir Wolf:
are you putting the flat side in and the rivet head out? just wondering. it feels better on the body when you do it that way eheheh

Sir William:
Ulrich, the oil is a necessary may as well get used to it, at least until you get a SS version.  Keep the oil on...unless you relish the idea of filling a barrel with sand, tossing in your hauberk, and rolling it all around til the rust spots disappear, after which, you'll need to oil it again to prevent that sort of thing.  It'll happen anyway, of course, just not as badly if you remove it outright.

Sir Ulrich:
I'm keeping the oil on it, doesn't really matter much because my gambeson is black anyway, just annoying to get on my hands while handling the maille. When it comes to rust, I'm just gonna keep it oiled so it doesn't rust much. Other than worrying about it rusting to the point of being useless junk, rust doesn't bug me much, mainly due to the fact I LIKE my armor to look worn and old unlike most people preferring shiny and new armor.
When it comes to the side of the rivets the smaller side is on the inside and the longer side is on the outside. The inside is a LOT more smooth than the outside, I assume this is how you're supposed to wear it as it doesn't wear the gambeson out that quickly.
Some of the rings on my maille are bent, as if they tested the armor with a sword or bow before it was shipped off. I just need to replace some of these rings I think cause some are poorly riveted and wont hold well. Guess thats why wedge riveted maille is more popular.


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