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Maille arrived

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Sir James A:
I recently learned that the wedge riveted mail is actually more commonly 'period' than the dome headed riveted is. There's a thread on MyArmoury that talks about wedge riveted being common for (13th-15th or 14th-16th) century german armor, but that dome headed rivets are the vast majority style prior to 13th/14th for all of europe.

I've been happy with my dome riveted so far. It'll get a "live" test at MDRF next weekend, experience thus far has just been handling, tailoring, and fitting.

Sir Wolf:
well domed can be found throughout wedge can only be found really in the 14th and 15th. so you are technically safe with either type. each modern style is just as wrong as the other when compared to existing mail so most groups accept either.

Sir Ulrich:
Mines dome riveted, ALL riveted, only complaint I have is it doesn't have half solid rings but I cant really be too picky because theres NOT many places to get riveted maille in the USA. I didn't want wedge riveted because I'm portraying the 13th century mainly...
For the record heres a closeup of my maille.

Now I finally got around to inspecting my hauberk up close, most of the rivets are well riveted but some need replacing. One is missing its rivet but the ends of the ring are peened together so much I cant even remove the ring. Others are just poorly set and I mean VERY poorly set... Those ones are the first to go once my rings come in the mail, which should be a few weeks....

Heres the full hauberk

Closeup of the sleeves as you can see they need  a bit of tailoring.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I think that's just the reality of buying riveted mail. Some rivets will be done poorly. That's why I'd like to start getting to some hand-riveting myself, so I can fix mistakes, or the inevitable (but hopefully just occasional) popped rivet.

Overall I think the rivets are pretty strong most of the time. I'm used to aluminum mail. And a hauberk/haubergeon is going to take much less of a beating just from wearing it than the chausses will. It's amazing how much force can get applied to the rings in those just by walking.

Sir Ulrich:
Then I'll have to keep in mind when I make chausses I am going to carefully rivet each ring, but that may be a pain. Making my own shouldn't be TOO hard I just need a source of solid rings so I don't have to rivet each individual ring, or maybe I should just buy them from Icefalcon instead, make it my next major purchase. Only problem is it wont have the black texture my hauberk has.


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