Main > The Armoury

Possible future harness

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Sir Wulf:
I have a bellows faced sallet with the "jousting" visor right now and all my friends say it's pretty intimidating. I am planning on attaching a pair of horsetail plumes to the top/back of the helm. I want it all blackened. I'll check on the breast/back plate-plackard combo. Thinking about making a full hauberk for when I fight with my shield.

Sir Wulf:
So I am in contact with Allen at Mercenary's Tailor. They do work in 18ga and they also do "blackened"! YAY! Now just to find it if they'll make the helm and sabatons. I would really prefer to get the full harness from one place.

Sir William:
Allan can do it all, just ask.

Sir James A:
Last I spoke with Allen, sabatons are not in the list of armor he'd make, since a size 9 modern shoe is different from a size 9 combat boot is different from a size 9 period boot ... which is perfectly understandable. I've had minimal sabaton success looking elsewhere. :( If you're buying a whole harness, maybe he'll make an exception ... here's to hoping!

Sir William:
Or, you can make your own mail sabatons...if you're looking to do 14th Century then they'll fit right in.


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