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For another film on chivalric behavior I would like to submit, for your consideration, 'Redbelt'.

Specifically the character of Mike Terry

"You think it was noble? The code of the warrior. You think it's noble?" "No, I think it's correct."

Your thoughts?

Sir William:
That was an excellent movie...he stayed true to the warrior's code, even when he had to suffer for it.  Finding a way to pay for the broken glass, his student's suicide over shame (modern equiv of hara kiri, no?) his wife's apparent lack of understanding (she deals with it out of love, but she does not understand)...and when that big budget shine boy mocked the ceremony of his art, he challenged him.  And won.  Look for Dan Inosanto (long-time friend and training partner to Bruce Lee) to make a cameo near the end.  :)

Sir Edward:

I haven't seen it. Adding it to netflix now.

Sir William:
I picked up the DVD on eBay last year sometime...Ivan's right, it is an excellent example of not necessarily chivalry, but adherence to a higher code, in this case, the warrior (or samurai, as there are references to bushido) matter the cost.  For Mike, it is less about thinking and referencing an ideal and more about living it.

I've become a Chiwetel Ejiofor fan as a result of this and other movies, like Children of Men.  The man is gifted.

Sir James A:
Never seen it, but it does look interesting. I'm usually in for martial arts movies. Don't know how I missed this one, but I'll post up after watching it. :)


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