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Sir Edward:

It was also clear that the others didn't respect the older master. His photo was stashed away in a cabinet somewhere.

Sir William:
How many instances in history do we know of where youth has always tried to get rid of the inherent wisdom in the personages of their fathers?  Nature vs nurture, no?


Found a vid of the end sequence:

Joshua Santana:
Interesting end scene, looks a bit like 'Fearless' only with no one dying. 

--- Quote ---Terry's wife has two brothers...Bruno was the promotor, Ricardo was the champion; I'm guessing the old guy trained both Ricardo and Terry- and gave Terry the redbelt, signifying him as the one worthy pupil.

Remember Terry's stance that fighting for money was not honorable, that it weakened the fighter.  The old teacher...didn't he look ashamed, embarrassed by the spectacle?  I got the impression that he didn't even want to be there.
--- End quote ---

That would explain it, yes I agree with the philosophy that using a fighting skill for money doesn't help in the long run, fighting for money weaken the sense of Mortality and turns the individual into a egotistical killer who doesn't care for anything except for money, fame and power. 

The real, true warrior (or Knight in this case) would never condone fighting for money, he would fight to save lives and to help those suffering from the evils of others.  I may sound like I am getting this from the Chivalric Romances but it is still relevant.  It is better to fight for a transcendent cause than for something that doesn't last forever.  Mentoring people to do the right thing has more value than fighting for thrill of being famous (like the celebrity's of today), fighting to help people shows your character than how well can you fight.  Anyone can fight. but not everyone can fight for the right reasons.  Only the proven few can. 


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