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Sir Wolf:
yeah that looks good

Sir William:
This isn't a HK high-wire act like you find in most eastern MA movies...the focus is on Ju-jitsu.  While there's nothing flashy or high flying about Ju-jitsu, it is most effective- as is showcased in some of the training and fight scenes in the movie.  Just about every mixed martial arts fighter has learned or is still learning this art as part of their repertoire...those who do not, never last long.

Joshua Santana:
Excellent pick Sir William!  I will have to find it and watch it.  Thanks for sharing Rauttskegg!

The last 5 or so minutes are awesome. It has an Akira Kurosawa feel to me.

Sir James A:
I saw it this past weekend. Without the risk of posting any spoilers, I did not understand the ending at all.

Mike Terry was a very honorable character. It was a good movie, but not quite what I expected. I also saw Sucker Punch this weekend (right before this), and that made me a very sad camper too, I might have missed a few things, but the ending still seemed confusing.


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