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Hanwei Practical Longsword?

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-06-29, 17:51:45 ---Well I put my first Albion on order today.

--- End quote ---

I like this word, "first". That means there will be more. ;)

Congratulations, Sir Brian!

Sir Brian:
My apologies! It was either a typographical error or a Freudian slip, I mean really does a person need more than one Albion?  ;)

Sir Wolf:
its a disease, ask sir edward

Sir Brian:
A disease? What's it called Albionism?  :D

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-06-30, 10:37:11 ---I mean really does a person need more than one Albion?  ;)

--- End quote ---

Did you really mean for us to take this question seriously?  ;)


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