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Hanwei Practical Longsword?

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Sir Edward:

The museum piece they modeled it after was actually hollow-ground, but it's true that not all swords of this type are. With the diamond cross-section it has a very light and agile feel. Even more-so with the hollow-ground blade.

I have the hollow-ground version and I love it. :)

Sir William:
On another forum I'm a member of, saw a sweet Atrim shorty that Lee's Armoury used to stock...DD1403c; there were three, DD1403a was a two-handed longsword, DD1403b was a bastard and the 1403c which was the shortie.  One of the forumites picked it up years ago and personalized it...been tryin to talk him into selling it as it is a long discontinued model.  LOL

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---some of the A&A swords would fit you better then. such as the henry 5th which is just awesome!
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Of course Sir Wolf!

--- Quote ---A&A Henry V sword is a short type XVIII, diamond cross section, hollow ground to reduce weight (the earliest Henry V's were not hollow ground, resulting in a slightly heavier, and more forward blade presence) and I believe it is less than 33" in overall length, with a 26" blade?  Wolf can elaborate on it probably.

At your height, the sword will not only suit your stroke, but would also look appropo at your side.
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That is exactly why it would work for me and expect me weliding it in a future production of Shakespeare's Henry V shouting on a horse "Once more unto the breach dear friends!  Once more! Or close up the wall with our English dead!"

--- Quote ---The museum piece they modeled it after was actually hollow-ground, but it's true that not all swords of this type are. With the diamond cross-section it has a very light and agile feel. Even more-so with the hollow-ground blade.

I have the hollow-ground version and I love it.
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It does look that Arming swords from Albion would work fine as well as the A&A English Longsword! 


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