Main > The Armoury

jolly knight

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Sir Wolf:
oh yes please do i would love to read a review!

I'm also keen to read another review on this armourer.


--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2011-06-11, 21:13:26 ---The prices are very reasonable, I will email the armory concerning their Churberg Harness to see if they can custom make one, will order it with the monies in hand and will write a review of it and post pictures of me in the Harness!

--- End quote ---

Sweet jesus you must be a rich bastard for churberg haha

Sir William:
I think I'll be taking a closer look at their gambesons...

Sir Ulrich:
Their gambesons are linen, I just am not sure if they come in the right sizes, one does come in black, so I am in luck, just not sure if I like the fact it's a pull over one, but that may be better for maille due to less to snag on. Not sure how much the shipping would be cause they're based in Ukraine, I'll be thinking about buying a gambeson and their arming hose though.


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