Main > The Armoury

jolly knight

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Sir James A:
I know Jolly Knight is on ArmourArchive, and I've seen a few positive reviews of his work there. Haven't seen anything negative. No personal experiences with him.

Sir Ulrich:
I want the padded chausses, are they custom made? Or are they ready made?

Sir Wolf:
those are cool arent they! and cheap too.  i am sure they are made to fit

Sir Ulrich:
Seems like a really reasonable price for them. Especially if they're made of linen like that. Gonna order them and write a review when I receive them.

Joshua Santana:
The prices are very reasonable, I will email the armory concerning their Churberg Harness to see if they can custom make one, will order it with the monies in hand and will write a review of it and post pictures of me in the Harness!


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