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The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!

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Joshua Santana:
On a second note, I appreciate Rauttskegg's post and that is one of the reasons for planning 14th Century harness.

Still, I like it!

Sir Wolf:
welcome.  ;D

Sir William:
Welcome, Sir Joshua...I am somewhat familiar with Karl Kindt's offerings, having perused his site at length some years back, and more recently as well.  I wish you the best in your endeavours, keep us posted as to progress!

Sir James A:
Indeed, I've seen Mr Kindt's site over a decade ago. You'll find very little difference between putting on 14th and 16th century armor by yourself:

* the cuirass may require assistance on either one, but both are often single chest/back units without faulds or tassets (esp early-mid 14th),
* the arm harness would be pointed to the arming clothes on both,
* the 14th C gorget / bevor are often similar in strapping,
* the upper legs would be pointed to arming clothes the same,
* the greaves & sabatons are the same,
* gauntlets are of course easy either way :D

The armor that gets really difficult to put on your by yourself is late 16th cent italian, especially if it has the additional reinforcing plates, with the angel wing pauldrons, armet w/gorget + wrapper, massive cuirass w/multiple faulds & tassets, etc - of which german gothic doesn't have. ;)

Sir Ulrich:
Welcome Sir Joshua, you may already know me a bit but glad you could make it here.


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