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The Mysterious Sir Joshua Santana is here!

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Joshua Santana:
Huzzah and Greeting to all!

I am Joshua Santana as you all know I am a firm, passionate believer in Chivalry and Knighthood, ever since I was fifteen years old I have the passion of the Knightly Arts.  To put a long story short, I have been rasied on the Arthurian legends and other chivalric tales such as St. George and the Dragon and Redwall by the late Brian Jacques.  It wasn't until a year ago that I found a real life modern day knight via youtube that I fully decided to walk the Path of Chivalry.  March 7th is the exact date and the past year has been challenging yet rewarding.  This month I have planned to study the Knightly Arts during the summer (and hopefully during college) under SIGMA and Selohaar Fechtschule.

My mission and duty as a Knight is to promote Chivalry.  This comes from me seeking to be a Knight for Hire (where I do knightly services to the public, promote Chivalry through there and get dubbed as a Knight!)   I also seek to be in the SCA, Adrian Empire, Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia and other chivalric orders (hopefully the Order of Selohaar).

In terms of getting a harness and what type, well out of honesty I am still raising money to purchase one.  The type of harness I would like to wear is the classic German Gothic harness.  I was planning to wear a 14th Century harness until I found out that it wouldn't work (for the knight for hire service) but I would buy one for other purposes.

One last thing I should mention is that the title "Knight of The Lion Blade" is a title I penned from my coat of arms which you can see on my facebook profile.

With that said and done, I am glad to be able to converse with fellow brethren in arms.

At Your Service and in The Service of those in need,

Sir Joshua Santana, Knight of the Lion Blade

Robert Hinds:
Welcome to the forum!  :)

And may I wish you good fortune in all your future knightly endeavours. Including purchasing a harness, that takes awhile and gothic isn't cheap.  :)

Sir Ancelyn:
Hail and welcome to the forum Sir. Joshua. :)

Zdrastvuytye Dovariche Bogatyr Ieshua Svyatoĭ Anny!   :D

Sir Patrick:
Huzzah and welcome!


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