Sir Edward's thread about the dragon slayer got me thinking. I remember seeing a show a few years back but can't recall the channel. It was a documentary, *might* have been 2 hours or 2-3 segments of 1 hr each. It discussed some accountings of dragons in medieval europe, but it focused more on the "biological" side of them, rather than fantasy. They had a few re-enactments and reconstructions, including a part about how dragons could have truly breathed fire (by eating some mineral that is common in the mountains). I *think* it had a part where they had found some ancient weapon/armor bits and some bones in a cave, possibly with a broken/damaged sword and cut bones, that could have been partial remains of an actual warrior/large lizard battle - but I might be confusing their re-enactments with the facts that they were telling.
I thought it was "chasing dragons" or "chasing the dragon", but that seems to just turn up lots of drug-related stuff. Anyone seen it or know the name?