how do u get them to attach to the walls like that and not fall? do u not have the same gravity limits as i do?
I make gravity work for me, instead of against me. They're leaning against the wall at a 15* or so angle. Since there's no base, it's easy to maneuver, and once I have the armor on it, I just lean it against the wall. I have some 50 lb clear fishing line that I used to tie the legs around the "hips" area (where the horizontal brace is) to keep them upright, and also to tie the spaulders and arms to the top; there's no actual arms on my frame. I have some 45* shoulders that I put on my original prototype frame, but the armor sat funny; I think I need it for the 14th C armor pictured, since the shoulders are too far "in". I'll be doing that soon, since the armor is off for (hopeful) use soon.
The first one I made (barely visible on the left) for my samurai armor, I put feet on. I realized it was better to forego them, so that I can put sabatons/shoes on them, since there's no "base".
Edit: the arms and spaulders are tied off in an X fashion; left arm crossed over and tied on the right, right over the left. They stay in place well, but I haven't devised a system to attach the gauntlets yet, which I just got a few weeks ago (and the stand is many months old).