So it's been a few years since I talked about my harness, but all this talk of armoured combat in the other thread got me to browsing back to this thread. My harness has not seen major updates since then, but there are a few (some of which I'm still waiting on).
First off, I still use the same celeta, but I've also picked up one of these from Armour and Castings: needed a closed face helm for bouting, as I was previously cheating and using my fencing mask (which seemed sad, considering the rest of my harness was so pretty). It doesn't completely match my harness, but it's in the ballpark. It also has a somewhat modernish look to it, but it isn't too shabby. Functionally, it's fantastic. I still use the celeta for teaching, as I can see, breath and hear better with it on, but the armet will be for actual armoured fencing.
Second, these are in the mail from Czech Republic via BestArmour: received word that they were sent a little over a month ago, but you never know how long shipping is going to take from foreign countries, so I'm just waiting around. These were made with hardened spring steel, so they should be nice and light.
I've changed from a black arming cotte to a red one, but it is still by Revival Clothing, which is the same maker as the previous one.
I now use the MRL legs: all of MRL's gothic armour, these turned out to be more pretty than functional. Whoever was saying that these are pretty good is either a liar or has never worn real armour before, because these were pretty bad out of the box, despite being beautiful. Allan at Merc Tailor did some of his magic to them and turned them into functional armour again, though they still weigh a ton (nothing Allan could have done about that).
I've also comissioned some spring steel pauldrons from a guy named Josh Davis, who is an up and coming armorer. He is one of the employees at Arms and Armor, and his work is really, really good. He said he's ready to start them, and just needs my measurements, so it shouldn't take to long at this point. They should look somewhat similar to the attached photo. I'm pretty psyched about these.