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Brian Price / Chivalry Bookshelf / Revival controversy

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Sir Rodney:
Within the last few days there has been an explosion of information regarding the business practices of Mr. Brian Price as it relates to armour, authors and royalties due.

The Armour Archive threads "The Sword in Two Hands by Brian Price" review wan and spring steel gauntlets- review are some examples.

I'm always the skeptic and do not form an opinion until hearing all the sides (and there are usually many) to a story.  There's just too much reliable information from very reputable sources coming to light lately.  All this information is giving me a headache and put me in a really funky mood.  I purchased Brian's book Techniques Of Medieval Armour Reproduction: The 14th Century many years ago and enjoy it to this day.  Sadly, I doubt I'll be making another purchase from him.

Please form your own opinions as we are not lemmings, but intelligent adults.  For my part I'm just going to sulk in a corner for a bit as my naivety bubble has been burst...

I really didn't mean to start all this. All I was looking for was a few ideas for where to spend a B&N giftcard.


Sir Edward:
I'll look over those threads, but I've heard from several people that I consider to be reliable (if not "inside") sources, and I agree with what you've said here. I really try to buy things elsewhere if I can. And it's a shame too. If you google around, you can find some very interesting writings on chivalry from Brian Price, and he was doing a good thing for the historical community with Chivalry Bookshelf, making a variety of books possible before other alternative publishing options became available. But something changed along the way.

EDIT: I see, from looking at the threads, that my "sources" chimed in directly there. I've been trying to respect their privacy on the matter of royalties and the like by not repeating it myself. But the cat's out of the bag, for better or worse. For those who have no idea what we're talking about, go to this thread and scroll down to the comments from Christian Tobler and Greg Mele.

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-02-18, 18:23:19 ---I really didn't mean to start all this. All I was looking for was a few ideas for where to spend a B&N giftcard.

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't worry about it. This is something that has been simmering for quite some time.

Sir Edward:
"TL;DR" version:  Brian Price apparently has no scruples, and avoids paying his authors, printers, and suppliers. So it would be best not to buy books published by Chivalry Bookshelf, or buy anything through (both of which he runs).

As an aside, I've removed the link to from the links page.

One additional note though-- If you do want those books, they're worth buying, but not through the CB website or other retailers. Get a used copy, or buy them from Purpleheart if you can, since they pre-stocked a bunch.

Sir Rodney:
A former business partner, Mr. Doug Strong (Talbot) has now chimed in with a lengthy post on page 3.  It's getting worse, if that's possible. 


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