Another friend just gave me another idea of the look I should go for. He said I look like something from "Labyrinth". 
HA! I know exactly what your friend is talking about, too... the guys who ride the dinosaur-like mounts.
So Pamela's harness is starting to come together. I agree with Christian about the bevor going under the breast plate... in fact, we were talking about this when we first put it on. We'd already put on the breast plate, so we went without the bevor for class, but stuck it on briefly for a photo op. The pieces are a tad big for her, but not out of the question. The sallet looks really good with the visor up, except that her sallet won't stay up, unfortunately. We were talking about the possibility of either:
1) sending it to somebody to make a spring pin for it (anyone have a suggestion on who?)
2) removing the visor entirely for an open face piece.