So Pamela and I got together to pour over some books to start figuring out a plan for a harness. We've slightly narrowed it down to two potential pathways, depending on whether she goes for 14th c. or 15th. I think it will ultimately come down to cost and availability... mostly cost, actually.
I'll do two separate posts, one for the 14th c. plans, one for the 15th c. plans.
If we went 14th c., we'd do something similar to what Christian recommended for her above. (Yes, I'm saying "we", Pamela. Shut up!) So we're talking mid-14th c. Exact, 100% accuracy isn't necessary, but she still wants it to be within reason.
One of the "pros" is that she already has a 14th c. styled gambeson from Revival Clothing.

She would need a cuirass... preferably some kind of segmented cuirass, such as the famous Churburg type, such as this one: hourglass gauntlets, such as these ones that I own (possibly without the fingers):

(Made by Lewis Moore, whom is currently MIA from the armour world from what I hear)
She also is very likely going to get a set of legs from Revival Martial Arts:'s already gotten the chance to try the above legs on, and they fit her perfectly, so that's a definately plus.
And then finally the hardest part: The helmet. Some form of bascinet with aventail is what we're thinking. Something like this one below, though possibly without the visor: only will the helmet be the most expensive part, but it pretty much has to have the mail aventail.
This would give her a reasonably complete harness, and she can add further details to this later, such as a mail shirt, arms, etc.