That's the thing that really makes me not like the starfires. Their blade presence is like a crowbar. Heh, I forgot you guys use them.

Well, of course I love the A&A and Albion pieces, so I recommend those highly.
The CAS-Hanwei practical single-hand and practical hand-and-a-half are very serviceable for being so cheap. They do have thinner edges, so you don't want to hit with full force unless armored, but they're pretty safe even with just a gambeson (though as with any steel trainer, a mask and gauntlets are still necessary). Both of these swords work well as single-hand trainers. In fact, the hand-and-a-half has a lighter feel in this regard, and I prefer mine for that use. These can be had in the < $150 range.
A&A ( has a "Scholar's Sword" that is quite good, but it certainly costs more, at about $360.
I don't have one of the CAS-Hanwei "Federschwert" swords, but I've gotten to handle them a bit. For the MSRP (about $130), they do pretty well. The blades are perhaps a bit too flexible, as they can be a little whippy. But they're light and quick, and cheap! Just don't buy them from the renfaire, since they might be considerably more expensive. I saw one for over $400 at the MD faire. Ridiculous. If you're going to pay that much, go get an Albion.
As for Albion, the Meyer is a great trainer. My only complaint is that the guard is wide enough to actually get in your way occasionally, but this usually isn't a problem. The balance is fantastic, the weight is just right. It flexes well and yet is not whippy. It's awesome. They also have one called the Liechtenauer, but to me it's more of a stage sword than a sparring sword. Others may disagree with me on that. The reason I feel that way is that it has a more visibly realistic blade shape, but also very thin edges that can hurt when struck through a gambeson.
A&A's Fechterspiel is excellent as well. I had one before I got the Meyer from Albion. I love them both, but the Meyer is a little nicer in my opinion.
These Albions and Fechterspiels are all in the mid to upper $400's.
I haven't had a chance to handle the Tinker swords, but they're another option, I think somewhere in the middle in terms of cost.