I have an old steamer-style trunk in my war chamber that I used to keep a blackened hauberk in.
I am now obsessed with acquiring a war chamber! Just curious, how did you talk your wife into that 
Believe it or not, it was HER idea! In retrospect, I think she saw it as a way of me keeping all of my arms and armor in one place that wasn't the living room! I'm kidding...yes, it was her idea, if only because she seemed to realize before I did that I needed 'my' space. When my youngest daughter opted not to come live with us, that extra bedroom got conscripted into the war chambers as it were...I do have the best wife, she rarely encroaches!
Not that I mind, I like her, you know...but I like how she put that forth and stuck with it and always refers to it as my 'man cave' or 'war chambers'. There's no mistaking it for anything but- yes, there are two nice couches in there, but there are also swords, shields, medieval flags, armor, football (and other) memorabilia, books, my war chest (its much better than a steamer trunk, older too)- all very thoroughly male. Its no show room, mind you, it won't win any awards in Good Housekeeping or Martha Stewart, but it IS ALL MINE.
Good luck, Sir Knight- let us know how it goes!