Main > The Round Table

Five greatest Arthurian Knights?

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Sir Wolf:
dang it, guess i'm gonna have to break out my copy! hehehe

i would say red shield helm and surcoat. unless his armour was rusty and then it would be red hahahah

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2010-08-05, 15:23:26 ---Its been years since I've read the Chretien du Troyes romances, but I always recalled in the tale of Perceval that he'd defeated a knight in red armor. I always wondered what that meant in the age of mail. Was the mail painted red? (that seems unlikely, since the paint would just rub off from wearing it) Was the helmet alone painted red, with a red tabard of some kind? Maybe the helmet and shield?

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That's what I think.. the helm, shield, and surcoat. Not a whole lot of mail would show out from under all of that.

Probably a combination of sword, shield and tabbard, I would think....

Sir Wolf:
hmm sword belt and scabbard could be red too. as could hosen, shoes, tunic and gloves. but i think that would be over kill hehehe

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-08-05, 18:40:06 ---hmm sword belt and scabbard could be red too. as could hosen, shoes, tunic and gloves. but i think that would be over kill hehehe

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't put it past them. They favored all sorts of colorful things that we'd find tacky today. :)


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