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Five greatest Arthurian Knights?

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Sir Wolf:

--- Quote ---Who are, in your opinion, the five greatest knights of the Round Table?
--- End quote ---

whatya think?

Sir Edward:

Interesting discussion. It's hard to say, they've raised some good points. In many of the stories, for instance, Lancelot is meant to be a "perfect" knight except for his one fatal flaw. Others have him nearly suicidal in his zeal for combat, needing to be saved from himself by his fellow knights.

It's making me want to sit down and read Mallory or some of the other sources.

Sir Wolf:
ya me too :) here's another post asking if Arthur was a good king or not

Sir Brian:
I must confess I am unfamiliar with almost all of the Arthurian legends. I got the basic gist of it and the primary participants as related through scores of movies and such but nothing of the literary genre. Can anyone suggest some good reference book titles for me to remedy my lapse of education?  :-[

Sir Edward:
Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur is a great starting point since it's a period work, and it was a consolidation of many of the existing Arthurian romances into one large collection. However, it differs from many of the sources it was based on, so there are even earlier renditions that you can look for too, but they may not be as well translated.

Beyond that, I'm not sure. It's a good question.

I did get a copy of Malory so I could start reading up on it too, but as with most books, they end up on my shelf or nightstand and collect dust. :)


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