Main > The Round Table

My heraldry progress

<< < (10/13) > >>

Sir Edward:
Well, looks like I'm going to work on one charge at a time. I started on the sword tonight, but the paint is going on a little more thin than I'd like, so I need to let it dry and do another coat tomorrow evening.

EDIT: I wasn't happy with how the paint was applying, so I decided to grab a can of spray-paint and give that a shot, at least for the sword anyway. :) The cream paint comes off really easily with rubbing alcohol.

I had to do a little touch-up with the x-acto knife to clean up the paint edges, but once it dries I should be able to go back and use the stencil again for a clear-coat.

EDIT: Photos are now clicky

Sir Brian:
WOW! That looks great! Well done! Yes definately apply a clear coat or two for don't want to have to reapply every other outing you go on!  ;)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I figure no matter what type of paint I use, scratches will happen. :) I'll look for some enamels to use as touch-ups.. Testors model paints may work well.

If I can make the stencil stick flat for the dragon, this may solve the color problem. I have a really good blue spray (the one I used for the crest), but the cremes are all way off.

The thing I didn't do was prime first on the sword. I have a white primer... maybe I should have done the first coat with that. Ah well.. maybe for the ankh. :)

Sir Wolf:
Y are you trying to kill Estonia? that sword on the flag means death to us waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hehehe

Sir Edward:
Guess what?


:) :) :) :) :)


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